Exit Left: Markets and Mobility in Republican Thought
Robert S. Taylor, professor of political science, says: “By promoting open and competitive markets and providing the information and financial resources necessary to enable exit, we can empower people’s voices and offer them an escape from abuse and exploitation.” (Oxford University Press/May 2017)

Transculturality and German Discourse in the Age of European Colonialism
Chunjie Zhang, assistant professor of German, examines the South Pacific travel writings of George Forster and Adelbert von Chamisso, literary works by August von Kotzebue and Johann Joachim Campe, Herder’s philosophy of history, and Kant’s theory of geography from the perspective of non-European impact during the age of Europe’s colonial expansion. (Northwestern University Press/May 2017)

The Testing Ground: The Journey
Louis Evan Grivetti, professor emeritus, Department of Nutrition, and Sargent Thurber Reynolds began The Testing Ground trilogy with The Cave, and now, in Part 2, The Journey, they follow Travis and Reese Saunders — survivors of a lethal virus that destroyed human life over much of the American continent — on a cross-continental trek in search of other survivors. (EditPros/October 2016)

Coercion and Responsibility in Islam: A Study in Ethics and Law
By Mairaj U. Syed, assistant professor of religious studies, authors this volume in the Oxford Islamic Legal Studies series. The publisher’s description states, in part: “The book demonstrates the usefulness of a new model for analyzing ethical thought produced by intellectuals working within traditions in a competitive pluralistic environment.” (Oxford University Press/January 2017)