Aerial Aftermaths: Wartime From Above
By Caren Kaplan, professor of American studies, who also is affiliated with the Cultural Studies Graduate Group, and Science and Technology Studies. From the the publisher’s website: Kaplan traces the cultural history of aerial imagery — from vistas as seen from hot-air balloons in the 18th century, to the operations performed by military drones, showing how aerial views operate as a form of world-making tied to the times and places of war. (Duke University Press/January 2018)
Life in the Age of Drone Warfare
From the publisher’s website: This volume’s contributors, including the editors, Caren Kaplan of UC Davis and Lisa Parks of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, offer a new critical language through which to explore and assess the historical, juridical, geopolitical and cultural dimensions of drone technology and warfare. (Duke University Press/October 2017)