TOWN HALLS: Staff Assembly on staff engagement and UCOP on Robinson-Edley

Staff Assembly and the UC Office of the President are hosting town halls next Thursday (May 23):

  • The assembly plans a presentation and discussion of the results of last spring’s Staff Engagement Survey. Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi and Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter are scheduled to attend.
  • A UC official is coming here to discuss progress on meeting the recommendations of Robinson-Edley report, officially titled “Response to Protests on UC Campuses.”

Staff Assembly

The Staff Engagement Survey, asking employees how they feel about working for the university, went to a random sampling of nonrepresented employees, those with at least one year of service, at the 10 campuses (but not the medical centers), Agricultural and Natural Resources, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the Office of the President.

“This feedback will help shape work-life and career staff programs, and support UC in its goal to be an employer of choice,” read the invitation to take the survey, sponsored jointly by the Council of UC Staff Assemblies, staff advisers to the Board of Regents, and systemwide Employee Relations.

In announcing the town hall, Staff Assembly Chair Rob Kerner said: “I encourage you to attend and take this opportunity to let the chancellor and UC Davis administration get staff’s perspective on improving our university. I can assure you Chancellor Katehi values what staff has to say, and UC Davis administration listens very intently to staff ideas.”

Kerner said employee feedback will be important as Staff Assembly leadership and Human Resources prepare a plan of action in response to the survey.

The town hall is scheduled from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Activities and Recreation Center Ballroom. A live webcast is planned; look for the link in Staff Voice when it comes in your email on Wednesday (May 22). Or find the link on the UC Davis home page.

The Davis campus survey results are available online, in a PowerPoint presentation.

Robinson-Edley report

Two forums are planned with Lynn Tierney, the UC system’s associate vice president for Strategic Communications, who is coordinating the systemwide implementation of the report’s recommendations. The forums are open to students, faculty and staff.

Both meetings will be held in MU II at the Memorial Union: 1-2 p.m. and 4-5 p.m.


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