Students arrested for animal abuse

Campus police arrested two UC Davis undergraduate students April 21 on charges of animal cruelty. Henry Nguyen, 18, of Oakland and Josue Melendez, 19, of Los Angeles County were arrested on two charges each of animal cruelty, a felony, and two charges each of conspiracy, a felony.

The suspects allegedly battered and used a cigarette lighter to torture two hamsters. One of the hamsters died and the other recovered after being rescued and treated at the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital.

The suspects allegedly made videos of the incidents and posted one video on Facebook, resulting in an investigation. They were living in UC Davis residence halls at the time of the alleged incidents.

Media Resources

Andy Fell, Research news (emphasis: biological and physical sciences, and engineering), 530-752-4533,

Capt. Joyce Souza, UC Davis Police Department, (530) 752-6864,
