Discrimination and Harassment


Welcome to the Discrimination and Harassment directory page. Here you will find options for support and reporting if you're dealing with discrimination or harassment of any kind including identity-based harassment and online harassment. 

1. Report Discrimination or Harassment

File a report against a student, staff or faculty member with options for report navigation, online/telephone reporting, anonymous reporting and confidential reporting.


2. Identity-Based Discrimination/Harassment Support

Sexual Orientation and Gender-Based Harassment/Discrimination

  • Center for Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE)
    CARE provides confidential support, including advocacy and guidance on reporting sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence, stalking, and gender identity and sexual orientation-based harassment. 
  • LGBTQIA Resource Center
    Offers advocacy, support and resources for LGBTQIA+ students. 
  • Women's Resources and Research Center
    Provides programs, support and resources for issues related to gender equity.
  • Trans Resources 
    Provides information and advocacy for trans and non-binary students, including a Trans Advocate at the LGBTQIA Resource Center.


Disability-Based Harassment/Discrimination


Race/Ethnicity-Based Harassment/Discrimination

3. Police Accountability

4. Doxing and Online Harassment


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